Brand Identity Design

Logo & Identity

Logo Concept. Color palette. Font Selection. Graphic elements. Business card design. Product package design & more.

Graphic Design & Photo Editing

Postcards. Flyers. Print & digital Ads. Posters, banners & billboards. Brochures. Vehicle wraps. Signage, trade show displays & more.

WordPress & Shopify Web Design

Cost-efficient, SEO-driven template selection. SEO data placement. Social Media connection. Google indexing.

Marketing Collateral

Capture the essence of your brand with strategically-designed assets. Pens. Cups. Shirt design and much more.

Video Design

Art direction. Scripting. Stock photo & music selection. No corporate b-roll? No problem. Digital Ads & more.

SEO Services

There are many factors to rank higher on Google Search Engine. Allow me to review your website and provide you guidance.

Brand Identity Design Powered by an MBA.

I have a passion for all things Music, Art and Branding. Typically, graphic designers study…Art. In contrast, I hold an AS in Advertising/Public Relations, BS in Marketing and an MBA in International Business. My expertise allows me to see the full 360° View of an organization. As a freelancer, I have assisted SF Bay Area entrepreneurs and small businesses since 2007. Allow me to help you today.

Jason Rivera, MBA

Brand Strategist

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Graphic Designer-in-Oakland,-CA,-Rivera Branding
Your Client is My Client, Too
Empathy is the heart of branding. Clients hire me to stand in their shoes. I feel successful branding is the willingness to stand in their clients' shoes.